Item Background hunters-med-pack
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background
Kitchener Leslie
Wins - 5
Losses - 9
Total Bets: 25100100100
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Item Background bobs-burninator
Employee of the Month
Wins - 117
Losses - 86
Total Bets: 25100100
Employee of the Month won the fight!
- Summary -

The battle between Kitchener Leslie and Employee of the Month was a fierce one. Initially, Employee of the Month gained the upper hand with a precise and deadly attack that nearly ended the battle right then and there. However, Kitchener Leslie was not one to go down without a fight and resorted to trickery by slipping DMT to his opponent and convincing him that he could fly.

Employee of the Month fell for the ruse and jumped off a cliff, only to plummet to the ground and take a significant hit. Despite the setback, Employee of the Month still fought on and managed to unleash a scorching-hot gout of oil from Bob’s Burninator, sending Kitchener Leslie staggering backward.

Kitchener Leslie fought back by ruffling all of Employee of the Month’s feathers and delivering a small puncture wound. However, Employee of the Month was not to be deterred and continued to fight with a deep cut that was bleeding rapidly.

In the end, Employee of the Month emerged victorious by BBQ’ing Kitchener Leslie with Bob’s Burninator, causing extra burn and requesting extra hot sauce. It was a hard-fought battle, but Employee of the Month proved to be the better fighter and earned the title of champion.

- Battle Log -
Employee of the Month delivers a precise and deadly attack that leaves Kitchener Leslie on the ropes! (-12) Kitchener Leslie slips Employee of the Month some DMT and convinces him that he can fly. Employee of the Month gleefully jumps off a cliff and immediately plummets to the ground! (-10) Employee of the Month is bleeding from a small puncture wound... (-5) Employee of the Month unleashes a scorching-hot gout of oil from Bob's Burninator, sending Kitchener Leslie staggering backward! (-13) Kitchener Leslie has ruffled all of Employee of the Month's feathers! (-5) Employee of the Month has a deep cut that is bleeding rapidly... (-10) Employee of the Month BBQ's Kitchener Leslie with Bob's Burninator! EXXTRA Burnt & Pass the EXXTRA HOT Sauce Please! (-22) Employee of the Month has won the fight! Block Height - 16972830 Battle Hash - b53b62fb798f662a3de6c63b63542cccc47bad7d79a97c6c91faaafaa869c90f