Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background bobs-burninator
Super Fried Chicken #3973
Wins - 23
Losses - 21
Total Bets: 10010000
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Wins - 68
Losses - 48
Total Bets: 50000100
Dank won the fight!
- Summary -

The battle between Super Fried Chicken #3973 and Dank was intense and full of powerful attacks. Super Fried Chicken #3973 kicked things off with a massive tidal wave that crashed down on Dank, but the resilient Dank was able to shake it off and land a series of devastating blows that left Super Fried Chicken #3973 staggering. However, the fight was far from over, as Super Fried Chicken #3973 unleashed a barrage of explosive energy that obliterated everything in its path, including Dank.

Despite the devastating attack, Dank refused to give up, and delivered a crushing blow that caused a miniature earthquake beneath Super Fried Chicken #3973. The two chickens continued to battle fiercely, each landing heavy blows on the other. In the end, it was Dank who emerged victorious, inflicting a severe laceration that caused Super Fried Chicken #3973 to bleed heavily.

The battle was a testament to the strength and determination of both chickens, but ultimately Dank was able to claim the victory and all the Tendies that came with it.

- Battle Log -
With a flick of the wrist, Super Fried Chicken #3973 summons a massive tidal wave that crashes down on Dank! (-8) Dank is bleeding from a small puncture wound... (-5) Dank delivers a flurry of powerful strikes that leave Super Fried Chicken #3973 staggering! (-22) Super Fried Chicken #3973 has a major laceration that is bleeding... (-15) Super Fried Chicken #3973 unleashes a barrage of explosive energy that obliterates everything in its path, including Dank! (-8) Dank is bleeding heavily from an open wound... (-10) Dank delivers a crushing blow, causing a miniature earthquake beneath Super Fried Chicken #3973! (-22) Super Fried Chicken #3973 has a severe laceration that is bleeding... (-20) Dank has taken all the Tendies with this win! Block Height - 16944111 Battle Hash - 5e598fc0c6146d659ce6a804437e46eb85ce5c20f7c529ac0d3e90f1e6311e45