Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Wins - 53
Losses - 43
Total Bets: 100
Item Background mashed-potatoes
Item Background beak-guard
Item Background bobs-burninator
The Dark Side
Wins - 6
Losses - 5
Total Bets: 100
The Dark Side won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and Gentlemen, roosters and hens, we had an absolute barn burner of a fight today in the psychedelic colosseum! The feathers were ruffling and the crowd was clucking; this match had it all. First to flap its wings was The Dark Side, a mystical bird from the edge of the coop, against seasoned scrapper Buklao in what can only be called a beak to beak showdown of fowl fury.

The Dark Side sure started things off with a peck – striking with an uncanny precision that seemed almost unnatural. The crowd gasped as Buklao was left immobile, unable to even cluck in response. A swift and accurate blinding dazzle, it was a move that turned the tides and hinted at the epic battle ahead!

But just when we thought Buklao was cooked, the seasoned fighter proved his plucky spirit. With a glint in his eye, he managed to pull out a secret weapon of his own – Bob’s Burninator! With a fiery determination, and the Burninator in his wings, Buklao fried the living chicken shit out of The Dark Side! The audience roared, feathers flew, and smoke filled the ring. But even at this thrilling turn of events, Buklao knew this fight was far from over.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, The Dark Side retaliated in phenomenal fashion. Their beady eyes gleamed with intensity as they used Bob’s Burninator against Buklao, turning the tables once more. With a scorching-hot jet, Buklao was engulfed in a sizzling spectacle. The Dark Side stood tall, the light from the flames glinting off their glossy feathers, as Buklao was left in unrecognizable cinders atop the gritty floor of the fighting pit.

Buklao soon started to lose blood, a stark reminder that this was not the cartoon-style chicken fight one might expect. But these super fowl are made of stern stuff! Even so, the damage was too much and The Dark Side emerged victorious, securing glory for themselves and their family.

The coop was electrified with clamoring accolades, with the crowd squawking praises of The Dark Side’s sensational victory. Buklao may have been seasoned but, in this psychedelic battlefield, The Dark Side proved that the poultry Pugilist didn’t count his chickens before they were fully hatched. Certainly, this fowl fight will be a pecking point in the annals of SFC’s Fight Club. It’s the dawn of a new era, folks. The night belongs to The Dark Side.

- Battle Log -
The Dark Side strikes with incredible precision, leaving Buklao unable to move! (-15) Buklao just pulled out Bob's Burninator and fried the living chicken shit out of The Dark Side. He's done folks! Crispy and unrecognizeable! (-9) The Dark Side sprays a scorching-hot jet from Bob's Burninator, melting everything in its path and leaving Buklao in ashes! (-22) Buklao is losing blood... (-5) The Dark Side has brought glory to his family! Block Height - 21080580 Battle Hash - d88822ccd87bcc6dafeb42612952f654a605b783e5b89f851144c78c632d18e0