Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background bobs-burninator
Junkyard Cock
Wins - 29
Losses - 27
Total Bets: 202020
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
The Hella Fried Chicken
Wins - 36
Losses - 48
Total Bets: 5006000100
The Hella Fried Chicken won the fight!
- Battle Log -
With a fierce roar, The Hella Fried Chicken transforms into a giant, crushing Junkyard Cock underfoot! (-22) Junkyard Cock flings hot sauce at The Hella Fried Chicken! (-7) The Hella Fried Chicken is bleeding from a laceration... (-5) The Hella Fried Chicken cooks up a batch of spoiled chicken. Junkyard Cock gets food poisoning and shits themselves! (-22) The Hella Fried Chicken is getting tendies ready for victory party at Chicks & Cocks! Block Height - 17248819 Battle Hash - 87a8c9f194b818ab3057e28c3f14037c0076fe852e50c5ca6131ddd382d4b082